I know, I am going to SHOCK the very few who might check my blog on occasion to see if there is EVER a new post. Well finally I will do an update. Because of a variety of computer and "busy husband who holds all of the family pictures hostage" I am going to use an old picture to blog about something that I have been thinking about lately. And I will warn you, it is sentimental.... There is an evolution that happens when your child becomes a parent. The first time I witnessed it was a moment wasn't expecting. Rory had purchase his first condo and Rod & I dropped in to see the remodeling projects. It was night and Rory had some friends over. One of those friends was an old girl friend he had started dating. She had a baby and he was asleep upstairs. It was touching to listen to Rory talk about this little guy who eventually would be such a huge part of our lives. And then Chanel was born. To watch Rory hold her and talk to her when she was only a few moments old. She looked up into his eyes and she knew him! And shes still daddy's little shadow. And now little Emerson! When JR and Rory were little they used to hang out in Rod's shop and tote his tools around. I see in Emerson's little spirit that same joy in just being with his dad. His big bkue eyes are so amazed as he explores the world around him. And little RoriAna, our sweet little princess. She is so tender and sweet-- when she smiles and coo's it feels so celestial. She reflects or Savior's love in her tenderness. But now for our new little one and the thoughts that have been traveling through my heart. This time about 4 years ago, Rod and I traveled to Europe to pick Rachael up from her mission. It was such a joy to be with her after the 18 months of service. We traveled through her mission visiting the people that she served with. Soon I started feeling like her connecton with those Italian women were almost closer then our relationships. I knew that she was leaving them and her love was so strong and the thought of moving on in her life without them was very difficult. Finally after a conversation about it, I felt better and decided that I was probably just being sensative. Now time has moved on and my sweet baby Rachael, my first born, the child that made me a mother and eternally linked me to my mother, and her mother, and her mother -- now has a sweet little heartbeat of her own. And now, as I think about those same relationships that she had such a hard time leaving 4 years ago, a huge debt of gratitude fills my heart. I am so grateful that Rachael will have those wonderful women as part of her baby's life. And I am so excited for what is yet to come with Rachael, and someday, Rebekah.
Th picture at the top of the page is Rachael as we picked her up on her mission with a little girl in Verona. I love her embrace.
How wonderful. I'm so excited for the new baby girl that is coming! Also, I love the picture you used for your header...who is in the picture with you?
Well now Im crying. I am so proud to be a part of this family and so greatful that James will grow up with all of you in his life. I think I saw a little of what you saw in Rory, of course hes not my son but when I saw the way he looked at my son and the way he is as a father I knew he was going to be the one I loved forever. You should be such a proud mama for raising such wonderful kids and I only hope I can do half of what you have done! I love you!
You were absolutely right! Not only was I shocked to see that you posted something new, but that it had something to do with our relationship and for the arrival of a new little one too! You know how to tug on the heart strings! I am looking forward to you being here in a few months and for the memories we have yet to make! Just know that no one can take your place in my life! I love you mom!
Sorry Mom, I need to correct you on one thing: I have been home 5 years from the mission. Crazy right?!?!?
I love the part about Rachael having a heartbeat of her own. The bond between a mother and child was stronger and more incredible than anything I ever imagined. I am so glad God lets us feel a little bit of the joys and amazing feelings he has for us through our children.
Hooray! A new posting on your blog. And of course, my boss would catch me crying as I read it. Thanks for sharing your insights as a mother and grandmother.
That was beautiful Aunt Teresa!
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