Sunday, March 28, 2010

Spring- Renewing life

Our extended family has had our share of grief. Our first unexpected loss was Deonne in her late 30's over 20 years ago. Following Deonne my nephew Elis lost his struggle with Muscular Dystrophy. Just a few years ago Deonne's fourth child, Christopher Marc was killed in an accident leaving his beautiful wife and children. A couple of years ago my beautiful niece Becky Ann developed a rare form of cancer and this sweet young wife of Chris and mother to Anna passed away. All of these deaths were untimely. They had not had the opportunity to live to the fullness of their life's potential. Like it or not, it is part of the deal of having a human body. We are all subject to the rules of how that body can function through stressful and in some cases terminal situations. This week I have been inspired that Spring is about re birth- renewal of all that our Heavenly Father has given us. And the opportunity for a new life. Yesterday we celebrated the beginnings of a new family for Becky's Chris and Anna. Today we celebrated the beginning of a new life-- Christopher Marc Drawe son of Michael and Stephanie. Carrying on the spirit and love from his Grandmother and Uncle in Heaven. What a gift to awaken to the first sounds of the robins in the morning and know that the flowers are poking their little heads out of the cold soil and that life goes on. And we can celebrate. Our hearts will never forget those that are gone, but we will know that they are happy in our joy and that spring is here.


Mommy Madness said...

Thank you for that uplifting reminder. It really is wonderful that we have this season to reflect as we do. I am so happy that we will see those loved ones again that have passed on.

Losinthisdangfat said...

I really loved that Aunt Teresa. Life is unpredictable, and we can never know when it will be our time to leave this earth. Life is too short. I think that if we try to make the best out of every day we are blessed with, and we are always trying to get better, that is a wonderful way to celebrate life, and to also celebrate our loved ones.