Yesterday as I was driving to work around 9800 south and the East I-15 frontage road I looked West towards the Oquirh Mountains and saw 3 very small air borne objects. They looked like geese flying and playing, looping around in circles and chasing each other. They would fly south and then north and up and down. I pulled over to watch them and try to figure out what they were.
It is possible that they could be F15 jets doing maneuvers but they would have had to be flying over Magna for me to see them and I dont think they could do the tricks that I saw them do. What do you think they are?
look to the upper right over to the center a bit for the two silver objects
This last picture is a zoom in of the above picture
I will let Gio see this, I am sure he will be interested.
I believe you, live long and prosper
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